Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The best things Michel has done for me. ©
1) Put up with my difficult side.
2) Loved me.
3) Came back with me. (Twice!)
4) Gave me a computer… A COMPUTER!!!
5) Stayed a whole week for my birthday.
6) Gave up his life with his family, to live with me for a while.
7) Forgave me for all the pain I put him through.
8) Accepts me for who I am.
9) Written me poems and drawn me so many pictures.
10) Takes time out of his days to visit me.
11) Makes me food.
12) Helps my family out, A LOT.
13) Bought me many things in the past, and the future.
14) Works hard to get me the best!
15) Reduce a lot of his time and interest to make me happy. (Although he doesn't have to. He’s amazing for always being there for me.)
16) Tries to cheer me up when I’m sad.
17) Believes in my dreams.
18) Compliments me greatly.
19) Accepts my beliefs no matter how different they are from his own.
20) Defending me from the Target Monster, “Andrea”.
21) Wants to get really strong physically just to protect me.
22) Always has sacrificed a lot for me. For us…

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