Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Forgive and Accept.

Accepting the people you love,
is probably one of the most important
things you can do in this life.

Nothing lasts forever
so make every moment count.

Things change, and sometimes people
change along with life.

Nothing in this life, is 100% correct
or 100% wrong, good or bad.
Everyone's life and beliefs are different.

Every mind is a different world...
with different correct answers.
Share your view... but don't believe yours is the correct one in general.

Learn to accept, and forgive to what
happens without your control.
You can't change what you don't control
You don't control everything; especially others.

Revenge feels great... at the beginning...

Once it's over... what happens?
The problem won't automatically be forgotten... the memories will remain... It won't change anything...

Emotions come and go...
so find the power to change your feelings towards the past, and certain situtations.
It's all you can really do about it.

You're wasting time in past...
come on...
You won't get that time back.

click, clock, click, clock........

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