Thursday, April 9, 2015

The things you need to learn about life...
Are the things you need to force yourself to try;
encourage yourself somehow to try them out...
because if you don't...
you'll never know how increase your knowledge;
your knowledge over yourself.

Things need to happen in order to learn. They can't stay the same.
Get out of that comfort Zone.
You can do it; I know so.

Learn to feel your emotions.
Don't block them out... Don't try to change them or ignore them.
Feel them.
Get mad...
Punch a wall if you have to.
Cry super hard.
Lay down and stare at a wall for 4hours.

Just feel...

Because if you don't; you'll never learn how to control your emotions

You need to feel them and let them run their course to be able to study them,
and know how they function.
Figure out their tactics.

When you view your work...
Don't compare it to someone elses'
You're both different people.

Born with different genetics.
Experienced different events in life.

One of you might practice more than the other.
One might have more free time.

One was born a nature maybe?
And the other is working to become one.

Accept other people for their work. Don't become jealous...
Don't become discouraged because you believe your work isn't no
where near as good as theres.

YOUR work is your accomplishment.
Your work is different.
Don't worry about...
there is people out there that still haven't gotten to where you are.
No matter how small your accomplishment is.

It doesn't matter because every step counts.
Be proud.

You don't need to be the best than everyone to keep going.

You just need to keep getting better than yourself every time.

Your life; your work; your pace.

Smile at their work.
Smile at your own.

Be proud of both.

Don't know what you want out of life?
It's okay we all go through that sooner or later... Maybe even multiple times in our lives.

But try everything... Go for it.
Take your time...
Just try your best in everything you aim for.

And you find that special job, relationship...or reward.

Just don't stop moving and don't give up.

You'll only find it if your UP and searching. With an open mind.
And a determined heart.

If you EVER fail.
Don't think you're not meant for it.
Somethings just require more practice and work!

We all learn at a different pace remember?
Time doesn't really exist so why are you worried?


Trying only exists to prove to yourself how much you really are willing to do to obtain that goal.
And time only exist to show yourself the progress you've made over time.

That's why time and trying exist.

They exist for ourselves.
So no one shares the same time... or effort.
That all just depends on each individual.



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