Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I'm right and Wrong.

Before you Read this, I just want to remind you that whether you agree with me, or don't agree with me. It will still prove my point. Thank you! ^_^

Reality is unpredictable. We spend most of our lives living in only one side of reality that we grow up believing that, it’s the only side. But it’s not. Reality is like a spider web. It goes all over the place. It is mixed with pain and laughter… beauty and disaster... All of these things connect to one another, and run all over the place… Life doesn't have one actual answer, because life itself is all the answers. Ever wonder why there are different mentalities? Why we don’t we all like the same thing? We are all the same species right? So why don’t we all like the same things??? Why is there such a thing as “different” minds? And people? And preferences? Why do we have a choice?
And why do we create varieties for things that do pretty much the same thing? Did you ever wonder that maybe just maybe we are all right and wrong in everything we Say? Everything has its truths? And everything has it’s lies? NO one is ever fully correct about anything at all?
We probably don’t really know the universe at all, but we try to and we create things that we assume help us understand it better… but is all of that fully correct? Even with technology and math? The universe or life, didn’t invent math…or technology… we invented it… so that we could find more purpose to our existence and have a never-ending list of possibilities. But that’s about it for me. Honestly, If the universe would of wanted us to know the answers…we probably would of all known by now. But we don’t. There is always something new that scientists discover… (That I believe was there all along we just had to find it.)
Different mentalities exist because, we can't know it all... They exist because our brains can't hold everything to know in life. So each truth about life was divided in different mentalities and that's why people think different because we each hold a piece of truth to the universe.. we just don't hold all of it.
Don’t ever believe that you’re completely right about anything about life, because the truth is, you’re not completely right. AND you’re not completely wrong either. You might be right to some extent, but you’ll never really know what part out of everything you believe in is the correct part. We are all 50, 50. We are all equals in my opinion.
The only things in life that have correct answers are the things we created…
the things we made…
we made them have one answer....
Life is 50/50 it is equal and everything is fully right and wrong... good or bad. Beautiful and ugly.
A PERFECT example of that is how we, humans are symmetrical, and so are most of the creatures all around us. Both of our arms look pretty identical and so do our legs. Every situation can be looked at good or bad… looked at positively or negative. Because that truth is, everything is always both. We want to know more about this world… we want to have a lot of knowledge and play God. Truth is we are not God, and this isn't our earth… the earth is the universes. And we shouldn't claim it as ours.
Like I mentioned earlier, the only reason there is such a thing as “correct answers” to things is only to the things we invented. Math only has one correct answer to each of its equation.
because me made it only have one answer.
In life the only reason we have things with only one answer or one solution to our problems is because we make it have only one! In other words, when we are faced with obstacles in our life, we choose the solution that makes the most sense at the specific time, but it doesn't mean it was the only answer, or the only correct answer.
And we would probably get a lot variety of options to our solutions in our lives, if time didn't keep ticking… and we had more time to think about everything.
We make our own lives hard. Our mentality does matter, and the way we look at things, does indeed affect our future. The main things that make us who we are, Are: Our memories and our beliefs. Our mind is the most important thing of our existence. Life is everywhere, it is everything it… it is EVEN in everything. We choose what we want the facts to be in our lives. Because they are facts we want to believe in, whatever makes perfect sense to us, is true for us. But it doesn't mean it’s true for everyone else. We are have our path and our destiny.
Even I’m wrong and right, right now.

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