Sunday, December 16, 2012

Love comes in my many different ways,in all sorts of forms and all sizes. It doesn't matter if you're not skinny, or if you're too skinny. I doesn't matter if you're short or tall, light or dark, small eyes or big eyes, curly hair or straight, it doesn't matter because to someone out there you're their ideal of perfection. You're amazing no matter what. If someone doesn't think you're than you must not be meant for them because you're probably too good for them anyway. :-) Love yourself, and love everyone who accepts you. You don't need to be in a relationship to feel beautiful. :-) Because with or without girlfriend or boyfriend you are beautiful and amazing. Others don't define us, we define ourselves.Be proud to be who you are! and love everyone who loves you already. <3 ^_ ^


  1. Damn...aren't you cute, thanks for using my picture I am honored. :3

    1. You're very welcome...I just love how you both look in that picture together. It looks like pure love to me Michel.:-)
