Sunday, December 16, 2012

I have been reading  a book called, "1984" By George Orwell. & this book really gets you thinking every time you read it. It pops up so many questions into your head in every paragraph you read. And there is three slogans that represent their government which in the book their government is known as "Big Brother" . & I thought of ways which their slogans can be true in our world today. The first one is saying that, War is Peace, and a great of example of something that is true about that is...We(humans) usually fight for whatever it is we believe in. We don't stop until we get it and fight for it no matter how long it takes us. Therefore creating peace after settling and finishing the fight. The second one says, Freedom is Slavery. I noticed that no matter how much freedom our government gives us...we still are under their control and we still have to follow certain rules, so therefore no one is really free from slavery. The last one says, Ignorance is Strength. and I found this one to be the most honest one out of all of them because if we all believed what we wanted and lived in our own little world...we would be much happier. Just like kids, they don't understand many things, like believing in Santa, and the tooth fairy...That is why they're so happy because they're ignorant and oblivious to the whole truth of the world. :-)


  1. Never read the book before, but I am for sure going to now. It seems interesting and fascinating how it describes its perspectives. I really need to change the way I see a lot of things, and this seems like a great book that would be able to do that.

    1. In all honesty it really is life changing. It really did change my views in how I think of our world.It can get boring at times, but it is always interesting. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!^_^
