Monday, December 17, 2012

The true meaning of Christmas.

Don't forget what the actual meaning of Christmas is. It isn't about the gifts, or what gifts you give/relieve. What matters is that the "gift"represents the love they have for you, a symbol that means' they care about you and that they love you. ^_^ Christmas is the time to help us remember the two most valuable gift we all have received since the moment we were born and that is the people who have been there since the very start, and to appreciated also the fact we're alive! Our lives are the greatest gift of all. <3


  1. Wow, you describe gifts in such a great matter, I have always just thought Christmas was to honor God and spend time with family but besides the fact of honoring god, you described it super sweet.gosh i love it!:)))

    1. You're very welcome Michel, ^_^ I love you, God you inspire me to keep writing more and more post. :-)
