Monday, December 17, 2012

Past opportunities.

I never want to give up on my dreams...I know that someday I will get to be the person I want to be. I don't want to give up, especially since I have given up on many other things before, and I let me just say that it is horrible. Now I will forever be haunted of the, "What ifs'" and do regret many things I never did in my past. I am growing older as the months past by, and I don't ever want to miss out on an opportunity ever again. I will try everything that comes my way and if I fail at it, at least I know that I tried best. :-) 


  1. I totally agree, missing out is the worst. Especially since life is all about chances and experiences:)

    1. Yes thank you. :-) you said really simple and to the point I like that!^_^
