Sunday, December 16, 2012

My little Miracle.

Although I am not a mother myself, or a sister, growing up with my cousin Angel was one of the most amazing things for me. I learned so much from him. He taught me how to be patient,understanding,positive, and hopeful. He has always been a very happy child, always smiling and easily impressed by everything. He is one of the most amazing treasures ever in my life and I am super happy he is a part of it. It is amazing how little kids are able to teach more than we are able to teach them. Makes me remember how much fun being a kid really was. Because of him I am able to stay connected to my kid side and that is something that I never wanna lose  contact with as I grow older. <3  


  1. Yes being a kid is what it is all about I don't understand why many kids these days wanna grow up so bad...Once they grow up they will see it isn't the best.

    1. I totally agree with you, being a kid is the most amazing part of being human, I don't understand either. :/
